Productivity and Rest

I just finished the book, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey, the creator of the Nap Ministry. Hersey details rest as a tool for resistance of grind culture with the goal of Black Liberation. Hersey discusses the idea of engaging in rest, not to increase productivity or towards the end goal or producing more, but just because as a human you need rest.

I have been thinking a lot about rest and the other side being busyness and betterment. Sometimes we use busyness as a way to distract ourselves from pain/discomfort. Or a way to feel in control in a world that feels out of control. We can also get caught in the idea that we always need to be doing things to make ourselves better, even using rest as a means of making us better, rather than just because we need or want it.

When we have not been allowed rest we may feel guilt or even anxiety/fear/panic when we allow ourselves to rest. Our nervous systems are so used to being on high alert, rest feels unsafe. If this comes up for you, I would recommend adding just a little bit of rest into your days and building up from there. Try 5 minutes, if that’s too much, 3 minutes. Rest can be naps, meditation, daydreaming, just sitting, or really anything that feels helpful to define it as - just not doing.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • When was the last time you allowed yourself rest?

  • What would rest look like for you?

If any of the above felt interesting, here are some other places that explore these mostly related subjects:

As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


Settling Into Support and Sensation


Transition to Spring