Transition to Spring

I’m starting to notice the markers of renewal - flowers blooming, seedlings sprouting. I’m thinking about what the experience of spring is like, to see the dead of winter transition to new life. The pops of color rewarding us for our patience. We can get so stuck in our day to day that we take this transition for granted. Or we look at this moment as the marker of what is to come, not for the moment we are in. I am also thinking about how so many of us struggle with transitions, even if they’re expected or desired.

I wanted to invite you to spend some intentional time noticing the change of season. Whether that is a set time to plan to take in the natural world or whether it looks like intentionally noticing that the day was a little longer today, or some plant on your commute is blooming, or the temperature is increasing. And in those moments of awareness, you can ask yourself:

  • What does it feel like to intentionally notice this change?

  • What am I feeling as I notice this change (emotions, body sensations, etc)?

  • What qualities of this change (weather, bloom, etc) drew my attention here?

  • Is it hard for me to just notice this moment without adding meaning to it?

It may seem a little silly to ask yourself these questions or to notice something so simple, but there can be a lot to learn from these moments.

As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


Productivity and Rest


Awe Walks