Observing Sensations

We have so much information to how we feel in our body, but so many of us try to just stay in our heads. When we tune into our bodies we can figure out how we’re feeling before it becomes too large for us to ignore. Once we spend more time noticing what is happening in our bodies, we can then start to practice observing with curiosity how the sensations in our bodies naturally change.

It can be tempting to feel a sensation in our body and decide it’s negative and try to think our way out of it. When we allow ourselves to feel the emotions that come up, instead of pushing them away, we can start to notice that they will eventually pass and not consume us.

With this in mind, I wanted to offer a 3-minute mindfulness exercise by Flow Neuroscience to help you start to sit with what is happening in your body right now without feeling the need to push away or change our experience. You can access the meditation via this link on YouTube.

As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


AAPI & Mental Health


Mindful Communication