Reflections on Season Change

In the Northern Hemisphere, this week marks the transition from summer to autumn. Traditionally, autumn is a time for harvest and preparation for the winter season. This literal definition may not fit most of our situations anymore, but it still feels relevant to consider our situations from this place. The business of summer is slowing down and we are headed towards shorter days and cooler temperatures. As we head towards this transition, I wanted to offer some questions to reflect on:

  • What have you spent your time moving towards during this summer season (experiences, socializing, mindset, etc)?

  • What have you accomplished this year that you are bringing with you into the next season?

  • What do you need to prepare for winter (physically, emotionally)?

As always, take what is helpful and leave the rest. I hope you have the week you need.


Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop


Leaves on a Stream